Dear SIOP Participants
I hope this letter finds everyone safe and resting after our busy weeks together in Seoul. I was disappointed I could not see everyone after our final performance and did not have a chance to say “goodbye” in person. This short letter will have to do instead.
I wish to tell EVERYONE how proud I am of what each of you accomplished over the course of the program. Many of you exceeded my expectations in performance and despite the many frustrations and disappointments there may have been during the program, I do believe there was much to feel good about in the quality of the performances you gave. For me, the most important things was always the journey you would make during our weeks together.
No one ever said that opera is easy! You have all chosen, at least now, to follow a road that is full of difficulties. The point of any journey is to be a more aware person at the end of it than at the beginning. It was a very challenging experience during our weeks together, but I hope everyone can see how much they did accomplish in a short period of time, under difficult circumstances. Circumstances are usually NOT ideal in this profession, and perhaps the most valuable part of this experience is to be taken from the very challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
Thank you for all of your hard work and your dedication. Those of you that brought your positive attitudes to the program every day are the people that ensured others could find their experiences rewarding. Without you there would have been no show, no value and no bonds of friendship. I hope I will have an opportunity to see you all again soon. In the meantime, please accept all my best wishes.
Gratefully yours,
Kevin Class